'Helping, Holding and Hurting: A Dialogue about Penal Supervision': 20th Annual Bill McWilliams Memorial Lecture (audio)
On Tuesday 27th June 2017, the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge held the 20th Annual Bill McWilliams Memorial Lecture.
The event took the format of an initial lecture by Fergus McNeill (Professor of Criminology and Social Work, University of Glasgow), entitled 'Helping, Holding and Hurting: A Dialogue about Penal Supervision'.
Following this, there were short presentations by a former supervisee, a probation officer and a probation manager.
There was then a panel discussion between the speakers (which was not recorded), followed by closing comments by Professor Rob Canton (Professor in Community and Criminal Justice, De Montfort University).
The Bill McWilliams Memorial Lecture is generously supported by the Clarke Hall Fund and many welcome individual donations.
This entry provides an audio source for iTunes U.